Adapting to the World

What do animals need to survive? Like humans, animals need shelter, food, a way to get around, and protection from things that cause them harm. Unlike humans, animals do not have supermarkets, cars, or apartments. Instead animals’ bodies and behaviors are specially suited to their needs and where they live, or their environment. Special features that help animals survive are called physical adaptations. Behaviors that help animals survive are called behavioral adaptations. Most animals develop adaptations over long periods of time. This process of change is called evolution.

Seals have adapted over time so that they have flippers. This adaptation means that although seals are not great walkers on land, they are graceful and fast in the water.
Seals have adapted over time so that they have flippers. This adaptation means that although seals are not great walkers on land, they are graceful and fast in the water.View Larger Image
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